I've hosted many activities, including:
Some After School Activities in detail......
- MIST (Media at IST)
- Art Club
- Yearbook
- School Stage Production/Musical
- Hand-building with Ceramics
- Gardening Club
- Mini-Master Chef
- Hatha Yoga
Some After School Activities in detail......
MIST, Media at IST, is a student-run news and school events program, broadcasting every week during the school year. Students initiated story ideas, filmed and edited their stories using iPads, wrote the script, and arrived at school early on Tuesdays to film the broadcast, which was then uploaded to YouTube. MIST was run as an After School activity, which I hosted for the entire year.
Animals Asia, a Hong Kong-based animal rights group who work to free illegally kept Sun and Moon bears milked for their bile, is a year-long, school-wide student group. During our inaugural sale of Animals Asia merchandise, we raised over $500 USD.
On November 27, 2015 the students held Hug-A-Bear Day. This special event brought 3 representatives from Hanoi to host an Assembly for 400 students and conduct Science presentations to Secondary students. The students then held fund-raising events, including a Bake Sale, Merchandise Sale, and Photography booth with Sun Bear mascot.
On November 27, 2015 the students held Hug-A-Bear Day. This special event brought 3 representatives from Hanoi to host an Assembly for 400 students and conduct Science presentations to Secondary students. The students then held fund-raising events, including a Bake Sale, Merchandise Sale, and Photography booth with Sun Bear mascot.
Large scale paper mâché African masks.
Hand-Building with Ceramics
Gardening Club, in which students learned about maintaining an organic garden, created compost using a worm farm that they built, and grew beans from seeds.
Mini-Master Chef, in which students learn how to cook simple recipes and the proper handling of kitchen tools.